
Training (Training is by Lowe Show Horse Centre) and Board Services: Monthly

Stall Board (Main Barns, Stallion Barns): $950
Description: Ideal for breeding stallions, active show horses, and active training horses. Horses live inside one of the four main barns on the farm, which have in-and-outs connected to the stalls so horses can spend time outside during downtime.

Stall Board (Retiree Barns): $900
Description: Ideal for retired show horses whose owners still want them in stalls. Horses live in one of 2 small barns with an in and out in different spaces on the property with other retirees.

Paddock/Pasture Board: $850
Description: Ideal for retirees or training horses whose owners want them to live outside. Also ideal for broodmares or young stock.

Training at LSHS: $750
Description: Horse training by industry professionals Jim Lowe and Jessie Bright minimally 4-5 days per week. Horses experience daily care and conditioning on the hot walker with a weekly soap bath. They also have daily or weekly turnout in a paddock or pasture.

Conditioning at LSHS: $650
Description: Horse conditioning by trained staff, including weekly soap baths, time on a hot walker, optional light exercise, and time out in pastures and paddocks daily or weekly.

Breeding Services: Seasonally/Monthly

Mare Care: $15/day if temporary, $650/month if permanent
Description: Care for broodmares on-site or mares being bred to an LEQ-owned/standing stallion from January 1st - July 1st. Includes soap baths, grooming, and handling every 2 weeks during the first weeks/months of gestation and before pregnancy. When the mare is 30 days before her due date, they are pulled into the lower mare barn and have their teats scrubbed with antiseptic soap daily to prevent passing diseases or bad bacteria onto early foals. Mares are bathed and lightly handled by one of our 3 trainers to ensure their cooperation when it's time to foal. Mares are monitored 24/7 for signs of early labor and have their colostrum tested multiple times a day before foaling. Foals can be given plasma post-birth, and mares can be given pain relievers and vitamins post-partum. A vet visit is also recommended to ensure their full recovery. If any complications arise pre-, during, or post-foaling, we will have a vet called out immediately or haul the mare to Alamo Pintado Emergency Clinic if necessary.

Stallion Standing/Care: $850/month
Description: Care for everything concerning the well-being, fertility maintaining, and enhancement, shipping, and collecting of a breeding stallion during the breeding season. Depending on demand, stallions are collected during 7:00AM, 1:00PM, and rarely 5:00PM, unless semen count is struggling from the frequent collections. Shipping costs are billed as charged. Social media marketing and overseeing are available as well, charged weekly depending on the types of marketing requested from the stallion owner.